Creating Your Lifecasting

Lifecast modeling is very different from photographic modeling. Your ability to hold still for up to 30 minutes is more important than your smile. Your ability to ignore itches and suppress yawning and swallowing is very important.

Preparing yourself:

The day before your casting you will want to make sure that you remove all hair that you do not want seen from the area to be cast. The molding materials used will accurate portray any hairs that you miss. This includes the very fine hairs on your belly, etc. Nair is an excellent product for removal of small, fine hair. If your pubic area is to be cast you can shape or shave your pubic hair. If you wish to use Nair in this area, test first to make sure there is no skin sensitivity to this product.

You should not apply any skin lotion or oil to your body the day you are to be molded. Some lotions do not interact well with the molding materials.

You will need to wear loose fitting clothing for at least two hours before your session so there won't be lines in your skin from bras or waistbands. These will be very noticeable in the final casting and almost impossible to patch and repair.

In terms of what the process feels like -- cool, wet, goopy alginate will come in direct contact with your skin. As it cures it will solidify into a rubbery material. Next, a plaster bandage shell will be built on top of the alginate, which will get hard and ridged.

Your skin might be red after removal of the alginate, but this will quickly fade back to normal.

Modesty: Areas to be lifecast will come in direct contact with mold making material. Any clothing worn in an area not being cast can be covered with plastic to protect it from damage.

Friends: You are welcome to bring a friend along for security or moral support. Husbands, wifes, sisters, brothers, relatives and friends are all allowed. I do however suggest that you not bring your boyfriend. Boyfriends have a habit of getting jealous (no matter how supportive they are in advance) and they can interfere with the casting session or even worse take it out on you later. You also need to make sure that the person coming with you approves of what you are doing.

Your friend may take pictures of the process as long as it is okay with you. We may even ask for their help in the process. Make sure they wear "work clothes" that can get material splatter on them since they won't be wrapped in plastic to protect their clothes.

The day of the casting: You will be expected to be on time, or to call if you are running late. There is time slotted and materials that will be prepared in anticipation of your arrival. We will have the work area cleared and cleaned, and time set aside for your casting project.

We will briefly discuss and decide on the pose you desire and then we will get started. You will need to uncover the area to be cast and get into the decided upon pose. Then we can do any plastic wrapping necessary and get started with the mold process.

If we are going to do a large piece like a full torso or back, I may have an assistant to help mix and apply materials. I will pay the assistant and it will not add to your costs.

After the mold comes off you, we will quickly sponge and scrape the plaster off your skin. The molded area will be the cleanest part of you, along with areas we shrouded. Your skin will look red when the mold is pulled, but will fade quickly.

After the mold is removed from your body and you are cleaned up you can get dressed.

Immediately after removing the mold from your body we will start making the final casting. The mold gel that we use dries out (evaporation) and in doing so loses form and texture. To keep as much detail as possible we poor the casting as soon as we possibly can.

This final casting will need to sit for about 20 minutes, then we can start removing the mold. The mold is actually torn apart (broken up) and peeled off of the casting. The mold is destroyed in this process.

After removal of the mold the final casting needs to sit and cure for about 48 hours. Then we can start to work on the final finish of the casting.

You are free to leave at any time after the mold has been removed and you are dressed again.

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